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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Return the Gift

Rraa. Long time no see. Where to begin?

As we transition from an economy based on speculation to one based on gift, let DS be no exception to the potlatch: a gift for you, dear Reader.

I've spent most of my time the past few weeks working down at the paint shop, whose one advantage over other jobs is the license I've been given to indoctrinate others to my musical beliefs. Ha. What this means is I listen to the first Joggers record a lot. Which is an acquired taste, Pitchfork's 8.0 notwithstanding, featuring as it does the "thing" that skyrocketed the band to fame, namely shape note singing. Check it here, at 02:30 :

At random, on WOSU, I saw a local group of early American music singers, and lo, at 2:56 :

Happy Christmas

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