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Monday, December 29, 2008

The most hilarious thing about that Russkie's predictionating...

...is the Midwest coming under the sway of Canada. Really? Seriously? Kansas? Kansas under the sway of pot-decriminalizing, bilingual, socialized healthcare-having Canada? Madness. In Soviet Russia, prediction cracks up you!

Must've been a slow news day at the Journal. This hit reddit about a month ago and enjoyed a day of BOLD RED ALL-CAPS on Drudge around the same time. But, seriously... Kansas? Wow. And South Carolina under the sway of the European Union? Come now, anybody who's crossed the Mason Dixon knows SC is just biding its time until nobody's looking and then-BAM!-secession.

Of course, at the same time, drops in oil prices have Russia scurrying to cut costs and, well, hold themselves together. Hmph, commodity-based economy shaky in the midst of decline in global demand for said commodity? Whodathunk?

But, really, this predicting thing is fun. Let's try, eh? I predict that, in the next few years the continued slump in demand will push Putin threaten to cut off assistance to Iran's Bushehr facility if they don't do somethin' crazy. The resulting international backlash when he's found out will provide the perfect opening for Medvedev to demonstrate that he does, indeed, have a sack. Medvedev puts Putin on trial and he's exiled to the United States where he and Dubya do armwrestling for charity in Vegas.

Back like cooked crack.

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