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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Evan Bayh at 2-1...

I think BHO's VP is Bayh for a number of reasons. That is, unless the roll call inspires some kind of divine rage in the Old Ladies' Caucus and they turn into the Fedayeen Hillary...

Everyone up Phila way is excited about Joe Biden, pointing to his speech on Georgia, etc., which to our mind should argue for his being SecState. And if that's not enough, how about that olde "clean, articulate" quote?

As for the Virginian who's getting all this play today, when Tim Kaine ran for mayor of Richmond, there was a whispering campaign about his being a closeted homosexual. So imagine BHO picks him and he gets McGreeveyed; Kaine has to make an "I am a Gay American" speech, and we spend the rest of the fall in a McGovernlike VP limbo...BHO is unafraid to subvehicularize: ask Jim Johnson, Jeremiah Wright, Wes Clark, Ludacris, et alia, and the faintest whiff of controversy will kill off the Kaine flirtation...Witness the larger argument against TK here...

Bayh. Obama-Bayh. Political neophyte alongside scion of Indiana dynasty. Indiana, Republican since forever is actually in play...Virginia is not. Virginia belongs to Obama...ergo, Bayh.

More on McCain Housing later

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