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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

...funny little guys

Joe Lieberman, Brechtian instigator
Okay, not to belabor a point. But Connecticut Bob is the source for Joe Lieberman news. Here's the AG of CT claiming he knew nothing about the FBI's "Case Closed; it's not Ned" memo:
"Neither I nor any member of my staff has ever seen the October 25, 2006 FBI email. Nor were we ever informed of its contents. I first learned of it when I read a report in The Stamford Advocate on April 9, 2008."

A recap: in August 2006, Lieberman's campaign claimed its website was the victim of a cyber-attack and shadow-blamed Ned Lamont. The FBI investigated, and before the November election, determined no foul play occurred. The FBI released that information this year, and Leebs demurred to comment.
Connecticut's AG Blumenthal is cautious to a fault, and has pined after a US Senate seat from CT for a decade; did he allow the smear against Lamont in order to prop up the wounded Leebs? Was he in on the mock-terror cyber-drill? Joe ain't speculatin':
"The scenarios we discuss today are very hard for us to contemplate, and so emotionally traumatic and unsettling that it is tempting to push them aside[...]"

True! And Brecht-ish! Blurring the difference between news/stunts, terror/theatre, vandalism/cock-ups? "Traumatic" and "unsettling"! Intentionally traumatic and unsettling! Remember, the Senator wants us to acheive a heightened state of awareness...


Debating McCain...
...should be pretty easy. But since we anticipate candidate Clinton will do just fine bringing the nasty, whereas candidate Obama will have a hard time lacerating poor Walnuts, we at Dark Steer offer some rhetorical tools:

  • "Do we want Charles Keating at Treasury?"

  • "Every place the Senator calls a success is bombed later that afternoon. So I'm not surprised to hear of the [catastrophe] in [state]. The Senator was just there today, explaining how many jobs had yet to leave."

  • "Maybe John's comprehensive immigration reform should work like his campaign finance reform. Then Univision and AT&T could pay Senators for the right to drive down wages while they were paying for the right to kill off the competition. It's about streamlining the process."

  • "Who is it we're fighting in Iraq, John, quickly? No help from Senator Lieberman this time."

  • "If the Senator is so concerned about the power of money in politics, he should ask his wife's family to stop paying his mortgage."

  • "John McCain running on 'Action' is like Idi Amin running on

  • ***

    Did they sing the anthem?
    Man, if Sy Hersh is wrong, that would shift my whole paradigm. Turns out Israel had footage of North Koreans inside that concrete box in the Syrian desert; thus the September 2007 bombing. Question: how do you identify a North Korean on tape? And like everyone else is asking, why now? Or why justify the Israeli bombing at all? And is this going to be on YouTube anytime soon? Because I'm really sick of watching Kim Jong-Il's unicorns and scottish fold kittens...

    Huge snowstorms are happening!

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