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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Oh Hell Naw You Didn't

Alright, so I live in Columbus OH now. And I just saw this commercial on the ABC affiliate, and it's funny, because I never would have pegged BHO as Nixonian:

At least they can't call him inexperienced AND a crafty kombinator at the same time, right?

Also, notice the strategic mispronunciation of "renege." As Overheard in New York has told us before, you don't re-nig on something. You re-nig-er, you.

Anyway, I got interested in who's paying for this. The ad very briefly flashed The Denver Group, which is a batch of concerned Femmes d'Hillary who evidently at the last possible second have decided, for no other reason than that it looks like BHO might actually win the election, to bolt the party and back the party of War in Iran and Drill to Prosperity. That makes me upset.

So I wanna know who the contributors are, because Roxanne and Virginia's 750 bucks did not buy that ad.

Since you claim to speak for a "disenfranchised" and obviously aggrieved minority, but a group, in any case, of individuals, more to the point who stand for "principle," surely, Heidi Li, you'll tell us who pays the rent.

Send shout outs, etc. to Denvergroup@gmail.com.

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