All of which made me think of Our Hero, the Famous Air Pirate, who has finally pulled the prohibition on running Wright ads, albeit on broadcast TV with the juiciest bits fobbed clean. He is essentially, at this point, alone on the street, yelling incoherently into the air.
Incoherence. The ad -- on TV, "God damn" is bleeped out -- presumes that the audience knows about it already. I mean, when you bleep out "God damn America," couldn't it just as easily be "God bless America?" Isn't this supposed to be an election won in the center, and by undecideds?
Once again, this is tacking to the right for 2010. The major corporate contributors to the NRTPac (scroll to the end of the individual disclosures) are rightist media outlets: Newsmax, Endeavor Media, Eagle Publishing. The treasurer, Peter Leitner, runs a talk radio blog that reminds us, "Jihad runs both ways." He appears to be his own announcer, and broadcasting from his mom's basement, btw.
Are a handful of amateur Tim McVeigh sympathizers really going to change the minds of every undecided voter in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, usw? Please.
Although, from the looks of Palin's barn-raising down by Rickenbacker Airport, it is not the Great Silent Majority, but the Mere Redneck Plurality that she's pinned her hopes on, viz.: "Redneck Woman" by Gretchen Wilson, plywood false-front barn, buckeye necklace, Ku Klux fliers.
That's right, the Klan is using 2008 as an opportunity to pare back to a core of true believers. Said one Travis Pierce, national membership director for KKK, LLC.:
This office gets about 100 calls a day, and it's been that way since the start of the election season [...] People are looking for answers to what's going on in this country and they are coming to us.
So how is the McCain-Palin Tanking like Klan recruitment? A: Both campaigns suffer from the delusion that a greater political force will one day emerge from a dedicated 8 percent of the electorate. The trouble (for our purposes, the entertainment) inherent in such a position is that no persuasion exists without mass appeal. No one listens to Ralph Nader, or Dennis Kucinich, or Ron Paul. Build the crowd, then sway the crowd.
Also of note: compare Hitchens' response to the McCain Khalidi attack to the desperate parrying and backtracking on McLaughlin by typical MSMers (transcript)! Everyone hears, "Barack Obama sat in a room with Palestinians," and only Hitch refrains from shitting his pants with fear! Page and Clift are scared shitless of Monica Crowley! Hemming and hawing about "They released the tape! They reported it!" Show some spine. The appropriate response to Crowley is as follows:
It ain't "Jew-bashing" to complain when some right-wing arriviste bulldozes a chunk of your millenia-old town, puts guard towers and access roads on the highest point in the area, and tells you it's okay, because God promised this land to him.
Anyway, I'm prepping the post-game rant, on some real Marxist shit. (World Socialism Now! Mandatory Abortions for Everyone! Up Against the Wall! That sort of thing.) See y'all on the 5th...
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