This is an object lesson in how not to realign your party, people.
Pity Michele. She's just been sent out to echo Palin. All she has to do is stick with the topic: BHO's alleged associates. But Matthews knows what's at the end of the argument, that it's about character, that we're talking about BHO himself, not Bill Ayers.
Getting people to talk about Obama is a centrifugal question: the heaviest freaks get separated from the party they hide themselves in. I saw this happening in the Inquirer last year, where white working-class dudes, who spend all day on the docks with their black working-class cohorts and buddies, all of a sudden had to air their real racism before all and sundry. Something like this happened when HRC said "hard-working Americans, white Americans," back in the day. And poor Michele. Just caught in the gears of a media machine she pays no attention to:
Bachmann said Tuesday she probably should have watched "Hardball" to see what it was like before she went on it.
So please, hard-working people of Congress, white people of Congress, please, let us know now what you think of Senator Obama. Please let us know if you do not read newspapers, watch cable TV etc., and if not, why not. Is your response from Paul's Romans? Is this a be-ye-not-conformed thing? I need to know. Because tight-faced white women with crazy smiles are still uttering shibboleths about "liberal leftists," "socialized medicine," "real Americans," etc., and holding forth on what's in Article I. I mean damn, before this election, would you have believed that any elected official could get away with not knowing what Hardball is? Is the governor of Alaska strategically expanding the role of the vice-president, or does she just not know better?
BTW, how does Jeb Hensarling feel about the imminent purge of one more know-nothing freak from the ranks? And is there a Democratic purge coming any time soon? When can we ice John Dingell and Dennis Kucinich? Trust the centrifuge!
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