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Thursday, July 3, 2008

Wes Clark is still alive!

K: First of all, allow me to congratulate you for predicting the use of Wes Clark as a cudgel to Walnuts' war record...get the stiff to spend so much time reminding us of his glorious service in Vietnam that he can't talk about anything else. Whereupon we remember that he was sent to bomb civilians, never sat ass-deep in swamp water, and it took him seven years to get out...which is faster than McCain would extricate us from Iraq...

I think everyone is heartened by the second half of Obama's "I will not besmirch" sentence...the Party has been saying "No Scrubs" for years...so i like the preemptive strike, the muscular defense, etc.

But I don't think it's a winning plan. The whole artificial controversy actually gave McCain a bump over the last week. On 6/16 we were watching McCain fall of his own weight. The 'nuts had spent months offering babies hot water, touting NAFTA in Canada, hiding his wife's income, and calling for offshore drilling while claiming to have been decades out in front on global warming. And claiming New Jersey would bolt Republican. No longer. Now we're back to hero-worship.

Don't get me wrong, this is the high electoral ground Barry's got here...on some battle of Vicksburg shit...Based on June and July polls, BHO has a 10-point lead or better in 10 states: CA +10, CT +20, MA +20, ME +22, MN +15, NH +11, NJ +16, NY +20, WA +16, WI +10...and a statistically significant lead in six more (PA, MI, NM, IA, OR, and Montana as of 7/1!)...andhe's in a dead heat in Nevada, Florida, Colorado, Ohio, Virginia and Indiana. Indiana dude.

Walnuts is a dead horse. No reason for Wes to go on whacking it. Indiana should not be in play, and it is, because what did Pat say? Still, if anything can lose it for BHO, it's the numbnut commentariat bringing the conversation back to questions of character...no matter how artificially-plumped it may be...

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