Your editorial staff here at
The Dark Steer Report have undertaken to explore the ClarkVeep from
both sides of
the issue. But we do not labor under any illusions that these are anything other than just, like, our opinions, man. What says the man himself?
"I know he's trying to get traction by seeking to play to what he thinks is his strong suit of national security... The truth is that, in national security terms, he's largely untested and untried. He's never been responsible for policy formulation. He's never had leadership in a crisis, or in anything larger than his own element on an aircraft carrier or [in managing] his own congressional staff. It's not clear that this is going to be the strong suit that he thinks it is."
"What he
thinks is his strong suit"? Ouch. Two things revealed here.
- They're still planning on running a solid guerrilla politics campaign. Turn McCain's strengths against him. Just like they did with the Clintons (BigDawg Bill all of a sudden equals albatross? Who knew?) Ask the Dark Steer Moonless Prairie Night Magic 8-Ball if we're going to see McCain's service record (respectfully) attacked and undercut and it snarls back "All Signs Point to Yup."
- Clark's trying to show off his attack dog chops here. He still doesn't have a fully formed defense for Obama when he attacks Walnuts. He tries to parry the "neither does Obama" with a rather weak "but that's not what he's running on". Hell, even if you agree with the man, that's not terribly convincing. Were he to get the Veep-nod, expect Obama's team to flesh out this defense a bit. Perhaps something like "Senator Obama isn't putting forth his non-executive service record as a primary plank for his candidacy as is Senator Bush--I'm sorry--Senator McCain. Senator Obama is running on a record of sound judgment in national security matters and, with the benefit of my years in executive capacity throughout the heirarchy of our Armed Forces, in peacetime and in war, I am certain he's got the chops to steer this country through blah blah yadda yadda what have you."
So ClarkVeepWatch continues... more later.
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