...and what is that weasel-like thing on top of her head? BHO has a bunch of weird names; Palin intentionally named her kids Trigg, Track, Kitt, Revv, and Gritt, i think...bewildering. We could talk forever about the late nineties white-separatist exurban-Escalade tough-sounding kid-name phenomenon, and maybe that would be fun...but we still wouldn't understand the choice of Sarah Palin as VP.
At first, I thought it was a shot at the Hillary women. Back in June, John Dickerson thought this unlikely. That was when 80 percent of Hillary backers preferred Obama to McCain. So why's Obama only up 9 points in CA? WTF happened there? Surely that's those Latino union women Hillary voters bolting to McCain, right? Oh wait, those people don't exist. According to Pew, BHO will win 75% of HIllyClint's Hispanic voters; leaving behind (.25 of .20 of 18 million) 900,000 women and men. According to PPIC, BHO's real problem is with white males in California, who are breaking 42-46 for Walnuts. Latino Californians for Obama: 71-16!
A couple million disgruntled women concentrated in Ohio and Florida might win Walnuts the election, but spread out are of no consequence. So why Palin?
She's pro-life and pro-gun where Mc is moderate. She sued the Bush administration for protecting Alaskan fauna, as protections got in the way of increased gas and oil drilling. Her last job was mayor of Wasilla AK, pop. 5,470. She's an evangelical moose-hunter? Dangling modifier aside, that's weird shit, man!
Joe Trippi on NPR said this was less about Hillary women than about shoring up McCain's right flank. But McCain doesn't need evangelicals to win the election; never mind that Palin is the kind of evangelical that would have won votes in 1994, and evangelicals are trending toward green and social-justice issues. McCain needs the center. And as far as I could tell from BHO's speech, he's just sucked up all the oxygen in the room:
As president, I will tap our natural gas reserves, invest in clean coal technology, and finds ways to safely harness nuclear power. I'll help our auto companies re-tool, so that the fuel-efficient cars of the future are built right here in America.So if winning Hillary voters won't win the election, and Palin isn't about reaching out to the moderate-undecided third of voters (who are breaking for Obama by like 6 and Democrats by 12), and she's shy on experience, and if Biden can resist cutting her a new one in the veep debates (careful here Joe...sensistivity sells...cruelty kills...no smirking), what is she here for?
2-0-1-2...she's here to keep the right flank from bolting the GOP entirely and becoming a Bob-Barr-Ron-Paul-Pat-Buchanan megaflank. She's here to entice disenchanted conservative Democrat women into the party. She's here just in case BHO fails to deliver on health care, fails to pass a middle-class tax cut and deploys more troops to Afghanistan while Iraq goes to shit again. In the event of a bad showing by BHO in the first term, she'll be Romney's VP, with the experience of being in a national campaign, motherly cred, and social conservative Wild West skills...Palin-Romney 2012...death on a pale horse...